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And he came as spring to the Ice Queen 

She let him in knowingly, unknowingly. 

She drank him in willingly, unwittingly.


His tongue of words, His tongue of kisses. 

Meltwater rivulets down her back and flooding from within her. 

And now with the memory she flooded again. 

He came as spring to the Ice Queen.


Heat in her head and heat in her belly and their fires spreading at last to her frozen heart. Thick Ice walls turned to pools were no defence 

As he came as spring to the Ice Queen.


Helpless as her permafrost receded with his kisses 

Her glaciers melted at his finger tips 

Inside her, inside her, at last inside her 

He came as spring to the Ice Queen.


But just as the first green shoots appeared. 

Just as buds grew on barren branches. 

Before the briefest of summers the world turned and autumn descended. 

And his leaving brought winter back to the Ice Queen.

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