And, when the clouds had parted, the smoke from the fires burned on the horizon, they turned to each other and saw for the first time that nothing else was left. All the posturing and positioning now meant nothing. The traditions, the teachings, the learnings, the religion had all gone. All there was now was him and her. He was battle scarred and she damaged by a life of war. At that moment she did something. She dropped her sword, looking at him all the time, blood still seeping from his wound. A tiger, hurt but not tamed. She stepped back, naked and exposed. He lifted his head to the skies, removed his head dress, his blue armour and dropped his shield and spear. She was strong and he was mighty. He stepped forward. She melted in his arms. He held her. The night grew cold but she didn't feel it nor did she ever feel really cold again. She felt not weak but supported and loved.